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Criminal Defense Legal Archives

What Are Possible Penalties for Child Pornography in Long Beach?

One of the most severe offenses against children in New Jersey is child pornography. The penalties are often severe because the crime endangers, exploits, and takes advantage of their vulnerability. Its consequences can sometimes stay with you for a lifetime. Lengthy prison terms and steep fines await anyone successfully charged with this offense. Developing a [...]

By | May 27th, 2022|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What Are Possible Penalties for Child Pornography in Long Beach?

What Are Possible Penalties for Assault with a Deathly Weapon in Long Beach?

Deadly weapons can aggravate an already grave crime of assault. And while most of these charges involve guns and knives, the definition of weaponry might be more expansive than you’d think. You might have even more questions regarding the penalties. The laws on assault with a deadly weapon in New York State can be complex [...]

By | May 4th, 2022|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What Are Possible Penalties for Assault with a Deathly Weapon in Long Beach?

What If You’re Arrested and Have an Out-of-State Warrant?

In 1937, California adopted the Uniform Criminal Extradition Act (UCEA). Since then, the state has been obligated to surrender wanted individuals to other states. Later, Congress clarified the circumstances that may warrant extradition and the requirements. You could face extradition if you are arrested with a warrant against you in another state. However, this might [...]

By | March 19th, 2022|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What If You’re Arrested and Have an Out-of-State Warrant?

What Are Possible Defenses for a Charge of Child Molestation in Long Beach?

Child molestation is a serious sex crime charge, especially considering the way that those convicted are treated within the prison system, or the way that it follows those convicted throughout their lives, even if they were truly innocent or changed their ways. There are a handful of different crimes which involve some form of sexual [...]

By | January 27th, 2022|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What Are Possible Defenses for a Charge of Child Molestation in Long Beach?

What Do I Do If Accused of Child Abuse in Orange County?

Most child abuse claims are made out of the manipulation of a co-parent or due to a child's overactive imagination. And it is among the worst crimes one can be charged with in California. It is a severe crime with strict penalties and lengthy guidelines. While the law protects children, it also protects parents and [...]

By | December 18th, 2021|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What Do I Do If Accused of Child Abuse in Orange County?

What if I Break the Rules of my Bail in Orange County?

Release on bond or bail is sometimes limited to certain less serious offenses. However, a lot of people have gotten out of jail even for more serious charges in waiting. It just takes a Long Beach criminal defense attorney to negotiate skillfully. Problems set in when you break the rules of your bail. Just like [...]

By | October 29th, 2021|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What if I Break the Rules of my Bail in Orange County?

What’s the Punishment in Orange County of Threatening to Kill?

While the First Amendment gives you freedom of speech, the law limits just how far you can exercise it. Threatening to kill another person is against the legislation that protects individuals from harm and violence. And just like most other unlawful acts, the consequences are harsh. You could have uttered the words out of anger [...]

By | September 12th, 2021|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What’s the Punishment in Orange County of Threatening to Kill?

What Do I Need to Know if I am an Out of State Defendant in Orange County?

Whether the local state officials can arrest you as an out-of-state defendant is dependent on various factors, but the short answer is usually; yes, they can. This is true if you miss court dates, ignore the civil or criminal charge, the severity of the infraction, etc. There are differences from state to state, and many [...]

By | July 31st, 2021|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What Do I Need to Know if I am an Out of State Defendant in Orange County?

What are the Possible Penalties for Child Abuse in Orange County?

Children occupy a special place in the legal system of Orange County. The California courts presume that children do not have the mental acuity to care for themselves or make their own choices. Conversely, many of the choices a child has are often made by the child's parent, legal guardian, or custodian. It’s a part [...]

By | June 24th, 2021|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What are the Possible Penalties for Child Abuse in Orange County?

What is Alternative Sentencing in Long Beach?

Also known as community or non-custodial sentencing, alternative sentencing is a collective term used in criminal justice for all the different ways the courts can punish a defendant who has been convicted of committing an offense. Simply put, it gives the courts other types of punishment it can use rather than sending you to jail. [...]

By | May 21st, 2021|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on What is Alternative Sentencing in Long Beach?