Places to Do Community Service in Long Beach, California

  • Post last modified:July 9, 2024

Community service is an important element for so many volunteers in their daily lives. There is a sense of doing good for the sake of simply doing good. It is about reaching out when you don’t have to, and it’s about digging deep for those you may have never met and finding the “right” in what can sometimes be a sea of “wrong.” So many are called to such important work, but for many, theydo not know where to find places that offer community service in Long Beach. We have a few recommendations to start your journey.

One of the most complicated relationships is the one between spouses. When one spouse fears the other, it can create a vortex of pain, fear, and hopelessness. Sometimes, it takes the benefit of experience to help another. This is one reason why some seek community service in a domestic violence center. There are many to choose from, some long-term housing services and others are overnight emergency solutions. Most offer the opportunity for volunteers to assist in a number of ways as a spouse takes steps to protect herself and her children. Women Shelter of Long Beach is one agency that is known for its continued efforts to protect victims while educating the community. The work of this organization is important as one of the few places thatoffer community service in Long Beach,California anda long-term opportunity to grow from a volunteer position.

School on Wheels Tutors

Ever considered being a volunteer tutor? If so, why not the School on Wheels program? This unique community service helps homeless children for an hour each week with their homework and other areas of school work. No experience is necessary, either. A commitment to help is the foundation from which great things come. Learn more about this noble cause and the organization that is making it happen ontheir website.


human-I-T allows those with technology know-how to make a difference for many who don’t have access to different hardware. They take donated smartphones, computers, tablets, and other “gadgets,” repair them and then distribute them to those who need them most. For many, finding a job is nearly impossible if you don’t have a working phone. Applying online is not an option if you do not have a way to submit it. human-I-T eliminates those obstacles and makes a real difference in the lives of so many. If you have a technology background and can make repairs and updates to older devices, consider this as an opportunity. You will receive the necessary training, but you will likely be sharing your knowledge with others who same the same desire. You can learn more and apply on their website.

These are just a few ways and places to do community service in Long Beach, California. To be sure, this is not even the tip of the iceberg. There are many agencies that could benefit daily from volunteers who want to be a part of the solution.